Geography: Water Resources
Water Resources
In Argentina, the fluvial net is integrated by many systems of different
economic relevance.
Water flow relevance is based on its potential to be used for irrigation and as a source of energy. Depending on where the water streams drain, rivers and creeks could be classified into three different kinds of watersheds:
Water flow relevance is based on its potential to be used for irrigation and as a source of energy. Depending on where the water streams drain, rivers and creeks could be classified into three different kinds of watersheds:
Open or exorheic watersheds: they have exterior drainage -
Parana River, Uruguay River, Negro River.
Closed or endorheic watersheds: they have interior drainage -
Atuel River, Diamante River, Tunuyan River.
Areic watersheds: they lack of drainage and could be found in the center-west of the chaquenean plain, on the west of the pampean region and in some patagonic areas.
Areic watersheds: they lack of drainage and could be found in the center-west of the chaquenean plain, on the west of the pampean region and in some patagonic areas.
Wagner, N. (16 of December, 2011). USA Today.
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