
Mostrando las entradas de marzo 22, 2018

Typical Food: Conclusion

I Learned That… 1.     The people of Argentina love all things with beef, such as “Empanadas”, “Asado”, etc… 2.     The most popular pasta in Argentina is “Sorrentinos”. 3.    The most popular desserts in Argentina are “Alfajor” and “Dulce de Leche”. 4.   Potatoes and corn are everywhere, such as in the “Locro”, “Pastel de Papa”, etc… 5.     A traditional  drink  of Argentina is an  infusion  called  “Mate”.

Typical Food: "Sorrentinos"

“Sorrentinos” It is a pasta that accepts all kinds of fillings. The most typical are ricotta or ham, but you can find all kinds of cheeses, spinach, various meat, chicken, prawns, mushrooms, etc. Ingredients: -       500g spinach -       50g walnuts -       50g grated parmesan -       400g farina -       8 eggs -       Salt -       300g ricotta

Typical Food: "Locro"

“Locro” The Locro is a quite particular recipe and it accepts variants according to the area of ​​ Argentina where you are. Halfway between a stew and a soup. Ingredients: -      Onion -      Potatoes -      Meat -      Corn -      Spices­: cumin and bay leaf.

Typical Food: Beef & Chorizo

Beef & Chorizo The chorizo ​​ steak is the most typical noble meat cut in Argentina, occupying a role similar to sirloin steak in Spain. It is usually cut into fat tacos and it is a very tender meat that is pleasant to the palate. Ingredients: -       Chimichurri -       Beef  Chorizo

Typical Food: "Alfajor"

“Alfajor” The Alfajor is a typical Argentine dessert, and it has origin of the gastronomy of the south of Spain. Ingredients: -       200 g of butter from Central Lechera Asturiana -       150 g of wheat flour -       300 g of cornstarch -       125 g of sugar 3 buds -       L 1 teaspoon vanilla -       1 teaspoon lemon zest -       1 teaspoon of yeast Caramel grated coconut.

Typical Food: "Empanada Argentina"

"Empanada    Argentina" "Empanadas Argentinas", one of the typical dishes of that beautiful country. There are different variants, the criolla, the tucumanas, the salteñas. The empanadas arrived in Argentina thanks to the Spaniards, but it was there where they created these recipes. Their fillings and the rest of the ingredients that make the empanadas argentinas such a delicious dish. Ingredients: 250 g of loin meat 30 g of raisins 1 chopped onion 15 ml white wine, one tablespoon 1 tablespoon sweet paprika 3 hard boiled eggs green olives without bone. 

Typical Food!

Typical Food! If we talk about gastronomy in Argentina, we are talking about meat, such as chorizo, but this country also has another type of food, thanks to the Europeans who brought pasta and desserts such as alfajor.